Who we are
WHC Staff
William B. Pickett, Co-Founder, Historian
Dr. Pickett is a senior professor of history at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. He has been a Fulbright professor in Japan and is the author of numerous books and articles on American political and diplomatic history and the history of technology. He has taught courses about the historical impact of the Web, and in 2004 he initiated and was co-chair of a conference called The World Wide Web at Ten: The Dream and the Reality commemorating the 10th anniversary of the commercial Web. Read more on Dr. Pickett's home page
Marc Weber, Co-Founder, Collections and Communications Specialist
Mr. Weber is an award-winning journalist and technology writer, and co-founder of Arcady Press. He was the first person to research the Web's origins as a historical topic, starting in 1995. He co-founded the World Wide Web History Project in 1996 with the assistance of Sir Tim Berners-Lee and many other Web pioneers. Mr. Weber and the Project members interviewed all the main sources and assembled the largest archive of early Web historical material to date. He and Kevin Hughes organized the first Web History Day and Exhibit for the 6th International World Wide Web Conference of 1997.
Joshua M. Greenberg, Digital Archive Coordinator
Dr. Greenberg received his bachelor's degree in the History of Science, Medicine and Technology from the Johns Hopkins University, and his PhD from Cornell University's Department of Science & Technology Studies, where his dissertation focused on the history of VCRs and video stores between 1975 and 1990. He is currently associate director of research projects at George Mason University's Center for History and New Media, where he spends equal time hacking code and doing history. Read more at his personal site.
Kevin Hughes, Digital Archive Advisor
As a pioneering Web designer and programmer, Mr. Hughes established many of the conventions we now take for granted with his sites for Honolulu Community College, CommerceNet, and later Commerce One and many others. He is one of the six members of the World Wide Web Hall of Fame, which includes Sir Berners-Lee. He was a co-founder of the Web History Project and co-organizer with Marc Weber of the 1997 Web History Day. He is the designer of Footsteps, the digital library architecture that when completed will allow people to both browse and contribute to the Web History Center's collections.
Jean-François Groff, Web Tools Expert
In 1991 Mr. Groff assisted Tim Berners-Lee in writing the World Wide Web base software library that enabled several teams to write fully interoperable web browsers and servers on any computing platform. He also maintained the www-talk mailing list where Web pioneers met to debate the nascent technology and share their efforts. In August 1992 he performed the world's first Web consulting job, for the Technical Library of Denmark. After a brief stint at NeXT Computer to preach the tools on which Tim's vision took shape, Mr. Groff founded InfoDesign, one of the first web consultancies, and he has been designing web-centric applications ever since. His latest project is Vizta, a community focused on places you love.
Non-profit management consultant
Search in progress.
Barbara J. Mullen, Archival Coordinator
Ms. Mullen, after many years managing niche projects in the insurance industry, served as project manager, archival coordinator, and editorial assistant to Dr. Pickett in writing and publishing a history of Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. She joined the staff of Rose-Hulman Ventures in 2000. She is the founder of a not-for-profit organization, Ministry for Clergy Families.
Regional Representatives
Regional representatives include Web pioneers who will recruit and coordinate WHC members and sponsors in their regions (so far in France, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom). They are listed in the WHC Team.
Advisory Board members
Our Advisory Board is made up of Web pioneers as well as leading experts in intellectual property law and fundraising. They are listed in the WHC Team.
Join us!
You are welcome to join our efforts to build the Web History Center.
Please contact the WHC or email your ideas to info@webhistory.org.